Thursday, October 25, 2007

School Exam

Stress!!!!! My poor kids are so burn out by lots of worksheets. The school are helping the kids with the coming exams with booklets of worksheets.

There will be Subject-based Banding for my Primary 4 son - replace the EM3 stream in P5 and P6. Indirectly, this has caused some stress on my elder son. He is showing some system of stress. I hope I am not giving him too much of pressure too. Anyway, all the best in my kids exams and God will be their personal tuitor.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

My own blog. Very excited yet not sure where to start. Start with the love of my life, Nike my pet dog. Or should I say my elder son's pet which end up becoming my stress therapist. Whenever I am stress, I just need to carry him up and he will take away all my stress.